Lin Jammet (1958-2017)

Born in London to his renowned artist mother Elisabeth Frink RA and a French architect father, Michel Jammet, Lin grew up surrounded by art and spent some of his early childhood in France.  His parents were close friends with Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden, and Lin went on to do printmaking with Trevelyan in the 1970s.  He studied at the Chelsea school of art 1975-7 and had his first one man show in London in 1990. In 1993 he collaborated with Curwen Chilford on two lithographs which held very true to his drawings.  They were first drawn onto textured polyester as were all his subsequent colour prints. In 1994 he began an extended period of printmaking with Gresham studios where he turned his attention to screenprinting and etching. A very talented and ambitious draughtsman which comes across in his printmaking, Lin had the ability to capture incredible movement and tone in his figures and animal prints.  Poetic qualities, historical context and strength are paramount themes in his work.

We can let you know when more work by Lin Jammet comes available.