Untitled (2000)
David Mach RA (b1946)Striking large original lithograph in superb condition by Scottish artist and Royal Academician David Mach.
Untitled, this print is signed in pencil. Aside from the edition of 100. Printed by Sky Editions with their blindstamp.
It formed part of the 2000 Royal Academy Member’s Portfolio alongside works by Albert Irvin, Peter Blake, Sandra Blow, Terry frost and others. Produced by The Royal Academy Schools in May 2000, the Members Portfolio was a one-off production to raise funds for the students of the Schools. Produced in a limited edition of 100, fifteen RAs made and donated a new print to the portfolio.
Provenance: from the estate of the late master printmaker Alan Cox, Sky Editions.
Measurements: 65 x 50 cm sheet size
£175 + Shipping